Law firm merger is popular because, among other things, it can help a firm grab greater market share, enter new markets, bolster capabilities, or address succession challenges. These results or outcomes can compel a firm to pursue merger enthusiastically. Unfortunately, mergers don’t always guaranty success and in some cases can undermine a firm’s stability. To
Law Firm Merger
Negotiating a Law Firm Merger-Have You Prepared for the Inevitable Attrition?
Merger is a tactic that never ceases to be popular with law firms. Among other things, a merger can create excitement, offer greater financial opportunity, provide a rescue, or promise a firm and its people a more promising future. As merger activity unfolds, a law firm leader may soon feel initial enthusiasm damped by unwanted…
Law Firm Mergers on the Rebound – How Many are Strategic?
Following a pandemic driven drop in the number of law firm mergers in 2020, based on what our practice is seeing, 2021 will see a substantial increase in combinations. It seems like scarcely a week passes without an announcement of another law firm merger.
We have been particularly interested in the pending Thompson Knight…
Five Thoughts That Shouldn’t Drive Your Law Firm Merger
Law firm mergers can accomplish a great deal, so it is no wonder they are popular. The number of mergers consummated each year is steady if not growing. Strategically designed and executed law firm mergers can boost combined firms to places otherwise difficult to achieve in the time frames desired.
Even though many mergers make…
Being a Law Firm Merger Target-Five Inquiries First Time Players Need to Make
Some law firms seem to be full-time participants in law firm merger activity. As new markets are entered and competitors gobbled up, the voracious law firms bring to their transactions a wealth of experience their counterparts often lack. If your law firm is thinking about merger for the first time, will a lack of experience…
Merger as a Law Firm Succession Strategy
First generation law firm leaders find themselves confronted by a classic “good news-bad-news reality.” The good news is that they are nearing the end of what for many has been a rewarding career. The bad? Most have no clear path of succession— for client relationships or leadership responsibilities.
There are a host of reasons…
The Non-negotiable Must-Haves in Law Firm Merger
Two. That’s the number of essential conditions that any law firm merger participant should never eschew. No doubt there are other vital elements to achieving merger success, but two are so vital that their absence can doom the law firm merger of your dreams. These decisive factors, the ones merger parties must insist upon for…
Is a Law Firm Merger on the Horizon? – Four Phases Every Law Firm Experiences
As every new year begins, the idea of law firm merger grabs the attention of more than a few law firm leaders. Although the pandemic impacted the number of law firm mergers closed in 2020, all indications for 2021 suggests a strong merger season. It is no wonder as a well-constructed merger is an effective…
Considering A Law Firm Merger In 2021?
For the last decade plus, merger has been a strategic choice for many law firms. The 2020 pandemic had a negative impact on the quantity of mergers but, many including our firm expect there to be a major uptick in 2021.
Given the probability that firms will at least be considering merger as part of…
Approaching Law Firm Merger with Discipline-Five Key Elements
As more law firm mergers are announced, the idea of pursuing a merger crosses many a law firm leader’s mind. The idea of grabbing greater market share, entering distant markets, bolstering capabilities, or addressing succession can spur thoughts of combination. Those potential results or outcomes can seem compelling and cause a firm to jump into…