As we enter the New Year, chances are good you’re dealing with a predictable slate of demands on your time: setting compensation and budgets; managing details associated with the latest departure; and interviewing this week’s lateral prospect. All important activities, and worthy of serious attention; but none of these is likely to make the firm
Crisis - Leadership
Succession Planning – Start Now or Risk Closure
Negotiating a Law Firm Merger-Have You Prepared for the Inevitable Attrition?
Merger is a tactic that never ceases to be popular with law firms. Among other things, a merger can create excitement, offer greater financial opportunity, provide a rescue, or promise a firm and its people a more promising future. As merger activity unfolds, a law firm leader may soon feel initial enthusiasm damped by unwanted…
Law Firm Layoffs – Compassion, Culture and Survival
The impact of COVID-19 on law firms has barely begun. When it comes to the flow of work, some firms are experiencing a measurable or even significant bump thanks to having the right practice focus at the right time: but for the most part, law firms have experienced some degree of decline in both work…
Preparing for an Extended Covid-19 Delay to Law Firm Normalcy
Covid-19 has upended law firm normalcy. What might have been perceived last March as a couple of month hiatus from business as usual has been extended with no end in sight. With no known end date, it can be difficult to plan in ways previously thought routine.
The current Covid-19 world for law firms can…
Two Proven Elements to Conquering Law Firm Crisis
Virtually all law firms have had to adjust business practices to address the pandemic’s impact. Whether working remotely, refocusing or changing firm economics, making personnel moves, or partnering with clients more, today’s challenges have fundamentally changed the way law firms operate. For the law firms grappling with too many upheavals in their world, crisis looms.…
The Loss of a Law Firm Leader
A recent post in about Boies Schiller and Flexner reminded me of the critical dynamics associated with losing key members of a law firm. The departure of individuals responsible for a significant amount of client revenue, or those who serve in leadership positions can be traumatic events and may pose a considerable threat to …
Two Mistakes that Compound Law Firm Crisis
Regardless of degree, Covid-19’s impact on law firms is near universal. Some firms have been impacted so severely that crisis is their reality. Confronted with a do or die situation, strong leadership fights to bring back normalcy. Failure can mean disaster.
Leaders used to positive law firm performance can find themselves uncertain about their new…
Leadership and Law Firm Crisis

Leadership in Law Firm Crisis–The Importance of Visibility
Covid-19 and its implications for law firm stability is being experienced industry-wide. The fallout has many firms in full-on crisis. Reduced draws, layoffs or furloughs, expense reduction, stimulus loans have become an all too common part of the survival mix. Resorting to these tools can help little if strong leadership fails to rise to the…