There has been a recent flurry of articles regarding law firm “spin offs” some referencing actions such iStock_000002427188Smallas the recent Ropes & Gray IP move which appears practice specific. Others target “spin offs” as a means of getting lean. Seth Godin (who you might consider following if you don’t already) had a great and short 

Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company $600,000. No, I replied, I just spent $600,000 training him. Why would I want somebody to hire his experience?                THOMAS J. WATSON SR.

How many lawyers have you watched move from one firm to

Law firm news continues to include reports of record profits for some — small and large alike. But the news is far from all good. The reports of desperate struggles for survival are regular; and far too frequently, the headlines include news of the latest law firm closure.

In the midst of it all, law

As we conclude the first quarter of 2015 it occurs to me that now is a great time for law firms to conduct a quick self-assessment. Here are 5 areas that, if carefully analyzed, provide a preview of what the future may hold for your firm.

  • Turnover, any unexpected turnover is a sign of potential

The century plus old quote “success begets success” couldn’t be further from the truth. Today success only buys you the opportunity to survive to compete tomorrow.

Lest you think otherwise, the legal profession is no exception. The intensity of competition in our industry increases daily. The marketplace is littered with once highly successful law

As we enter the New Year, chances are good you’re dealing with a predictable slate of demands on your time: setting compensation and budgets; managing details associated with the latest departure;  and interviewing this week’s lateral prospect. All important activities, and worthy of serious attention; but none of these is likely to make the