Crisis - Strategies and Tactics

The pandemic has caused an unprecedented change to the practice of law for many law firms.  Since March, the delivery of superior client service has required a new way of thinking and a little bit of scrambling.  Yet after a couple of months living in the Covid-19 world, some law firms feel a new normal

Covid-19 has impacted virtually all law firms.  A few firms have benefitted, some have suffered catastrophe, while the bulk of firms fall somewhere in the middle and forge ahead as best they can.

Whether leadership for this third group is plugging a leaky dike or simply boosting morale, the focus on short-term survival is a

Three points in a law firm’s development will demonstrate the degree to which law firm owners share common values and aspirations:

  • when the compensation system is under scrutiny,
  • when it is time to commit to a new lease, and
  • in an hour of crisis.

Typically, when a firm is formed, two, three or maybe a

As law firms (and businesses generally) confront the growing financial challenges associated with the Covid-19 crisis, a plan for an escalating response is necessary. The appropriate answer for a particular law firm will depend on its current and projected condition and its culture, but consider the following as you develop your plan.

Government assistance

The phrase “extraordinary times” is an understatement when it comes to describing these days as each of us is forced to focus on new ways to achieve personal and business survival. As law firms attempt to envision a path through this crisis, a new working relationship with vendors should be considered as part of the